Before the exam

On Monday, July 27 the Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre opened its doors for the first time to the public since the closure in March due to the Covid pandemic. Two talented young pianists, Abbey Sugars-Keen (Grade 10) and Keve Aday (Grade 8) – students of Gábor Finta – tested their readiness before the exam at the Royal Conservatory of Toronto. You can see here a selection of their programme.

(Finta Gábor és Eszter felvételei) 

Floor renovation


The unfortunate closure of the house gave us the opportunity to renovate the floor of the House ourselves. Our videos show you the progress of the work and the first occasion when our members were able to view the results.

(Recorded by Gábor Finta) 


In the fall of last year the Board of Directors decided on ordering the installation of a new asphalt paving of the parking lot and driveway adjacent to the House. This work has been executed properly (greatly diminishing the treasury, I might add).

As the coronavirus pandemic reached our town, taking advantage of the House being locked down, the BoD saw an opportunity to fulfill a long sought wish and proceeded with the inside renovation of the House. The Office on the second floor has been refurbished and its floor has been replaced. Next to the Office, the little washroom received a complete makeover, having been provided with brand-new appliances.

Now, at the beginning of May, our industrious volunteers, defying the “Stay at home!” warning, chose to “Stay in the House!”. To what end? — you may ask. Let me show you!
But the hard work is not finished yet. Please, continue to check the news, we will keep you posted.

Artúr Görgei as Commander in Chief

The corona virus pandemic  prevented our members to participate in the March 15th celebration and unfortunately the presentation about Artúr Görgei by dr. Róbert Hermann also had to be cancelled. Fortunately,  the Embassy of Hungary recorded it  so our members now have a chance to hear Dr. Hermann’s interesting and informative presentation.


(Recorded by Katalin Oroszi) 

Winter Chaser

The Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre organized a dance event on the 22nd of February. The music was supplied by the members of the Attila Zónai Band who are well known within the Hungarian communities in Canada. They form a complete band by playing the violin, guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, drums and percussion instruments. They have a vast repertoire encompassing several genres of many decades of music, both Hungarian and international. Our members – young and older – enjoyed the opportunity to dance to the music of the ensemble.

(Recorded by Gábor Finta)