
Why is it important that you become a member of the Centre?

The Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre (OHCC) is a not-for-profit organization. Therefore, the annual membership fees represents a significant part of our operational budget. The members of the Board of Directors, voted in by the membership, and all other appointees sustain “The House” through their voluntary work, foregoing financial gains. Without this “golden egg”, laid by almost 200 members, the Centre simply would not exist.

Whether you are of Hungarian heritage or you just enjoy Hungarian companionship (a Hungarian milieu) you are invited to join our membership, as an expression of support. Becoming a member, you will strengthen our ability to organize programs and events that preserve and express our culture and traditions, promote their inherent values in a friendly, familial atmosphere enhanced by tasty manifestations of our specific culinary art. At these events, alongside your family, you can meet old friends or strike up new friendships.

Having Hungarian roots or speaking our, allegedly difficult, tongue is not a prerequisite of joining our ranks. We address a warm welcome to all nationalities.

Rights and Benefits of Membership

As a member of OHCC you are entitled to:

  • participate at our members meeting (two of them, annually),
  • elect the members of the Board of Directors (BoD),
  • put your candidacy in to become a member of BoD ( after 365 day membership status),
  • vote in all matters concerning the fate of OHCC,
  • contribute with constructive criticism and new ideas to the further development of the Centre,
  • receive up-to-date information about the operations of the Centre,
  • receive a 20% discount on all of our events, i.e. New Year’s Eve Ball, Spring or Autumn Serenade Balls, Catherine or Elisabeth Balls, etc. (except unique shows with hefty royalties and/or casual sales, i.e. „lángos” (pron. langosh – Hungarian Fried Dough) sale and the likes, when prices are already rock bottom)),
  • possess a membership card,
  • post for a full year with a familial membership card, free of charge, your personal or business ad on our web-page. Those with individual memberships receive a half-year discount on this feature,
  • receive timely notices via e-mail or snail-mail (post) about up-coming events, and
  • receive reminders via e-mail or snail-mail about immediate events (e-mail preferred);

Annual Membership Fees

Membership is subject to renewal by January 31 of any given year, and it is valid till December 31 of the respective year. In case of new, never-before memberships initiated after March 31 of the year, the membership fee is pro-rated for the remainder of the year relative to this date.

The regular membership fees are*:

  • family membership (two adults and their minor children) $110
  • individual membership (adult) $70

First time ever membership fees are prorated based on the regular fees and according to the table below:

Month 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Individual $70 $63 $56 $49 $42 $35 $28 $21 $14 $7
Family $110 $99 $88 $77 $66 $55 $44 $33 $22 $11

* It may change on simple majority vote by membership.

How Does One Become a Member?


The process is as simple as downloading the appropriate membership application from one of the links below, filling it out, signing it, and sending it in by snail-mail, along with the payment. You can also drop it off at the Centre through the mail slot near the main entrance door, or call the Centre for its business hours for personal accommodations. In case you can not download the application form, call the OHCC at 613-225-8754 with your postal address, and we will send out the form to you.

Payment Methods

  1. e-Transfer to the
    email address
    address, (The OHCC account is set to auto-deposit. In your transfer, please use the memo field to specify what exactly the funds are for.)
  2. cash,
  3. check or
  4. money order.

Checks should be made out to: Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre

We are, unfortunately, unequipped to accept credit or debit cards. We thank you for your understanding!

Downloadable Documents