Rounding the World into Form

Rounding the World into Form was the title of István Szántó’s exhibition and presentation. The walls of the house were decorated by his works and during the presentation we were able to get acquainted with more of his creations.

(Recorded by Gábor Finta) 

Mother's Day

Presented by Oskola (the Ottawa Hungarian School), the Ferenc Kölcsey Hungarian Scouts of Ottawa and the OHCC. The Children greet the mothers with Poems, Prose, Hungarian Folk-dancing and Music.

(Recorded by Gábor Finta) 

But Who Will Take Home The Bike?

On Aprli 21 we have seen a great theatrical performance in the Hungarian Community Centre. The play entitled „But who’s Going to Take Home the Bike? (De ki viszi haza a biciklit?)” is about the middle-class citizen of Vajdaság (Voivodina, Serbia), living either there or somewhere else, in the past and present. It makes us laugh and cry. It is to be seen in every small town and village, since it has been made for all those who live there, who stayed there or left and returned, and those who would only like to return or leave. And especially those, who still try to have a life in Vajdaság. We reproduce a few excerpts from the show and afterwards you can see Magdi Tóth’s interview with Szilvia Krizsán.

(Recorded by Gábor Finta)

The Montanaro Duo Concert

Citizen of the world, Miquèu Montanaro, hails from France but has travelled the globe and is known the world over. In his innumerable encounters with local musicians he strived to retain the particulars and has incorporated them in his own compositions. His repertory spans continents and styles, from the Mediterranean Basin to the Far East.
The son, Baltazar Montanaro-Nagy is a virtuoso violin-player in his own right . His playing amounts to a colourful trip on the board of Balt-Orient Express, and beyond. Virtually, around the globe, in less than 80 minutes! Each moment is rooted in local folklore and he explores through improvisation their full melodic and rhythmic potential. After the concert Magdi Tóth asked the artists about their carrier.

(Recorded by Gábor Finta)

Mardi Gras Ball

The Hungarian Community centre continued with the tradidion of Mardi Gras celebrations. The audience enjoyed a scene of the Bossy Women and the students of the Hungarian School and Scouts presented an entertaing program. Later the costumes were presented and the evening concluded with dancing.

(Recorded by Tibor Lapohos)