OHCC RTV program on 28 May, 2021


  • Spring in Ottawa

The accompanying music of the video is two Grieg pieces: For Spring, Arietta (Gábor Finta’s own recordings)

(The video was produced by Gábor Finta)

OHCC RTV program on 11 May, 2021


  • Interview with the directors of the Ottawa Hungarian Community Center (host: Magdolna Tóth, host and editor: Gábor Finta)
    • Rudolf Bánsági (president)
    • Béla Szeri (vice president)
    • Edit Palencsár (treasurer)
    • Béla Szabó (member of BOD)


(The video was produced by Gábor Finta)

OHCC RTV program on 9 May, 2021

Mother’s Day virtual program of the Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre. The show features sixteen Hungarian young Canadians and adults who recite poems and play the piano and violin for their mothers.

(The video was produced by Gábor Finta)

OHCC RTV program on 15 Apr, 2021


  • Introduction to the show (Finta Gábor)
  • Poetry Day
    • Selection from poems of Sándor Weöres (Mese TV)
    • Introduction (Magdolna Tóth)
    • Poetry of Lőrinc Szabó (Béla Köntés)
    • Sándor Weöres: Öregek (in a musical version)
    • The show of Béla Szeri
  • A walk in Budapest (video of Gábor Finta)

(The video was produced by Gábor Finta)

Commemoration – 1848, March 15

The Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre has compiled a video program this year to commemorate the Revolution of 1848. We used materials made several years ago and recordings recently prepared.
Dr. Vass-Salazar Mária, Ambassador of Hungary addresses  Hungarian Canadians and the programme contains poems by Sándor Petőfi and Piroska Kárpáti, recordings of the Youth and Tulipán Dance Groups as well as compositions by Joseph Haydn, W. A. Mozart, Béla Bartók and Gábor Finta.

(Video production by Gábor Finta)