Young pianists’ recital


Monday, July 27, 2020 / 19:00 - 20:00

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zongorabillentyűk Following a long, but necessary pause in our activities, we intend to slowly return to a degree of normalcy by offering our members and interested partners a chance to participate in a organized event, a first since mid-March: a double piano recital of two young pianists, both students of Mr. Gábor Finta. They will present a rich and varied program with which they will conclude their tenth and eighth year of musical studies at the Royal Conservatory Program.
Abbey Sugars-Keen and Keve Aday will perform a wide selection of works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, Debussy, Bartók, Ginastera et al. on July 27, 2020, Monday at 19:00.


The admission is free, but we are still bound by municipal directives related to the pandemic, i.e. we can accommodate maximum 50 guests and wearing a face covering is mandatory. So, in order to ensure the safety and continued health of the participants, we respectfully require preregistration on this page below or alternatevily by email or phone, made before Sunday 14:00 hours.
Let us encourage the young music players of our community with our presence and applause, and have a pleasant afternoon at the same time.