Old News – Detailed

Fund Raising for a Mini Bus

In many regions detached from Hungary in 1921 the local authorities and governments made it impossible for the Hungarian minority to study in its mother tongue. In these areas children would need to commute way too far in order to enrol into Hungarian classes.

The unitarian priest of Magyarzsákod (Maros County, Romania), Sándor Balázs, initiated a program in support of the affected children. According to the plan, with the help of the Transylvanian Federation, vehicles in the range of $8,000 each will be purchased and transformed into school buses. The National Alliance of Hungarians in Canada would like to join and support this effort by raising funds for at least one vehicle.

At the beginning of June, the OHCC management committed itself to this cause as well. In the period of June 4th and August 20th it donates the income of the OHCC’s events to this fund. So far, Canada wide, NAHC member organizations raised $3,900. We are calling upon everyone to contribute to this noble and important cause. Donations can be transferred directly as well by contacting the president of the Transylvanian Federation:

Bácsfainé Dr. Hévizi Józsával
Erdélyi Szövetség – Transylvanian Federation – Siebenbürgischer Verband – Fédération de Transylvanie
1052 Budapest, Semmelweis u. 1/3.
Tel: +36-20-374-1315
E-mail: erdelyiszovetseg@gmail.com or hevizijozsa@gmail.com

The NAHC will transfer the collected donations at the end of August, before the beginning of the new scholar year. All contributions are highly appreciated and we thank you in advance.