Old News – Detailed

Renovation of the OHCC Building

Taking advantage of the House being locked down, due to public health measures aiming to reduce the rate of infection of COVID-19, we, the BoD, saw an opportunity to implement our long-standing plans for the inside renovation of the House. Solely under our own steam, although often assisted by family members – respecting all along the provincial directives re: social distancing –, we refurbished the floor and the furniture in the Office on the second floor. Next to it, we gave the little washroom a complete makeover.
And lately, we work hard to replace entirely the sub-floor and the floor of the Hall, cloak-room and bar on the first level.
We report on the progress of the work with photos and videos posted on our website that you are kindly invited to visit here.
Please, revisit this page from time to time, if interested in the progress of the project.