Old News – Detailed

Legislative Elections in Romania

Legislative elections are held in Romania on the 6th of December 2020.
4 members of the Chamber of Deputies and 2 members of the Senate are elected from constituencies representing Romanians living abroad.
The political elite is stirring up and takes advantage of the animosity of the majority of Romanians toward the ethnic minorities. In this situation, it is crucial for the Hungarians who live in Romania to have a strong parliamentary representation that can protect effectively the Hungarian minority rights.

In his letter (in Hungarian only) addressed to OHCC, Dr. Hunor Kelemen, the president of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (DAHR), requested the help and support of the Hungarian Diaspora. To register their List of Candidates for the elections in the constituencies for Romanians living overseas, they need to collect a minimum of 4000 signatures in Diaspora by October the 6th.

The time is pressing, therefore, we would like to urge every member of our community who has Romanian citizenship to rally behind the motion of Mr. Hunor Kelemen by signing the online version of the document at the address below:
