King St. Stephen and Foundation of the Hungarian State Day


Saturday, August 21, 2021 / 17:00 - 21:00

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Details of the Event

Guest of honor: Dr. Anna Miklós, Second Counsellor, Cultural Diplomat of the Embassy of Hungary to Canada.

17.00 Celebratory Speech and Pre-recorded Program
18.00 Dinner

On the Dinner Menu

Heritage Hungarian meal by Moldován Gizella and Gábor Zsófia:


Pork Loin with Lecsó and Rice


Sourdough Bread with Lard and Red Onion


Sour Cherry Sponge Cake

cup of coffee

Coffee and Tea


Soft drinks, beer, wine and liquors available at the bar.

The health and safety regulations allow us currently to accommodate a maximum of 52 persons for indoor dining, therefore we can only guarantee the seating and dining by reservations only. The reservation deadline is at 12 p.m. on Thursday August 19. Please make yours in time. Reservations successfully submitted through the web are confirmed by e-mail.

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